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Economics Student Society

NUST - ESS is a student organization for all economics students at the Namibian University of Sciencs and Technology interested in the world of economics. NUST-ESS will serve as an information source aiming to provide all economics students and interested individuals, with the opportunity to become directly involved in the economic activities of the community outside the classroom.

NUST-ESS seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Promote interest an interest in the field of economics students at NUST
  • Exchange of economic insight by providing public lectures, discussions and excursions on economics and other business related issues.
  • Create relationships with companies for appropriate job attachments for the members.
  • Provide information on financial assistance to support the ready students.
  • Broadcast helpful information and provide interested students with activities including meetings and a forum for ideas in the field with which to contribute to the advancement of economic science.
  • Provide information on different career opportunities in the economics field.

Student Society Registration

Mode of Study