NUST Interim Council
The Office of the Vice-Chancellor provides both academic and administrative leadership to the Namibia University of Science and Technology for the effective management and efficient use of human and fiscal resources in compliance with the Namibian law, University rules and regulations, and the Strategic Plan.
The Office of the DVC:TLT is responsible for activities in the office of the Registrar, the Centre for Lifelong Learning (COLL) and the Cooperative Education Unit (CEU), and also for all Committees of the Senate and School Board of Studies (BOS) for all four (4) faculties.
The Office of the DVC:TLT is responsible for activities in the office of the Registrar, the Centre for Lifelong Learning (COLL) and the Cooperative Education Unit (CEU), and also for all Committees of the Senate and School Board of Studies (BOS) for all four (4) faculties.
This division came into existence in 2018, necessitated by the collective drive of the University to give momentum to research and innovation. Soliciting and managing external funds has become critical to meet the Institutional vision to strengthen research development activities.
This division came into existence in 2018, necessitated by the collective drive of the University to give momentum to research and innovation. Soliciting and managing external funds has become critical to meet the Institutional vision to strengthen research development activities.
The primary responsibility of the office includes management and oversight of Finances, Human Resources, Digital Transformation Business Services, Student Services and Facilities.
The primary responsibility of the office includes management and oversight of Finances, Human Resources, Digital Transformation Business Services, Student Services and Facilities.
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for the following main functions and activities at the Namibia University of Science and Technology: Academic administration, including faculty administration, assessment administration, student recordkeeping and meetings administration and governance.
The Academic Development and Support Division has the mandate to support the teaching staff and students to enhance the teaching and learning aspect, Quality Programme Development and Quality Assurance of the University programme delivery.
This department promotes activities that improves student experience, encourages student-alumni interaction, creates a platform for networking and cultivate relationships between past, present and future students.
The department provides student services and programmes to develop student academic potential. The student services and programmes are student centered to enhance their personal, academic and social development.
The Namibia University of Science and Technology has invested considerable resources and energy to strengthen its position as a university of choice in the higher education sector of Namibia. This developed a marketing strategy that brought about the enhanced image.
The department facilitates the development, implementation and review of the institution’s strategic and operational plans. Staff work closely with all internal stakeholders providing support and expertise to ensure alignment of planning and decision making to the vision, mission and goals of the institution.
The Namibia University of Science and Technology has always acquired the most reliable technology on the market. The department of Digital Transformation Business Services is comprised of the Data Centre, Integrated Tertiary Systems (ITS), PC Support and Networks.
The Finance Department under the guidance of the Bursar is dedicated to providing efficient financial and administrative services to all students, faculties and departments to NUST community by allowing access to information and by promoting financial wellbeing for each unit of the University.
HR strategy aims to support the achievement of the NUST’s strategic objectives. Activities are primarily focused on recruitment and staff development and efforts to retain a competent workforce, which includes developing individual capabilities and competence to ensure the institution’s continued growth
ADS | Academic Development and Support |
ADSTLT | Academic Development Support, Teaching, Learning and Technology |
ALUMNI | Alumni and NUST Foundation |
ATPI | Agriculture Trade Policy Institute |
BI | Business Intelligence |
BRC | Biodiversity Research Centre |
BUSH | Biomass Utilisation by Sustainable Harvest |
CE | Cooperative Education |
CED | Centre for Enterprise Development |
CEI | Corporate Engagement and Internationalisation |
CEMB | Centre for Excellence in Mineral Beneficiation |
CSQA | Corporate Strategy and Quality Assurance |
DSS | Department of Student Services |
DTBS | Digital Transformation Business Services |
DVC-FO | Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations |
DVC-RIP | Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships |
DVC-TLT | Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology |
EOSA | Earth Observation and Satellite Application |
EOSARTC | Earth Observation and Satellite Applications Research and Training Centre |
FabLab | Fabrication Laboratory |
FCHSE | Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education |
FCI | Faculty of Computing and Informatics |
FEBE | Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment |
FHNRAS | Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences |
Finance | Finance |
Hotel School | NUST Hotel School |
HP-GSB | The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School Of Business |
HR | Human Resources |
HTTPS | High-Tech Plaza Select |
ILMI | Integrated Land Management Institute |
INCEIT | India-Namibia Centre Of Excellence In Information Technology |
MTC | Mathematics Tutoring Centre |
MTI | Material Testing Institute |
NBII | Namibian Business Innovation Institute |
NEI | Namibia Energy Institute |
NGIL | Namibia-German Institute For Logistics |
NGSA | Namibia Graduate School of Accounting |
NIST | Namibia Institute of Space Technology |
NQF | Qualifications Registered on NQF |
P3ICL | Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Languages |
PDQA | Programme Development and Quality Assurance |
Registrar | Office of the Registrar |
SCIONA | Skeleton Coast IONA transfrontier park Technology for Conservation |
VC | Vice Chancellor |
Writing Unit | Writing Unit |