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Qualifications Registered on NQF

Qualifications Registered on NQF


Certificate in Advanced Web Technologies 060 Q2016 7
Certificate in Big Data Technologies 062 Q2015 7
Certificate in Ethical Hacking and Information Security 063 Q2019 7
Bachelor of Informatics (Version 3.0) 120 Q0512 7
Diploma in Information Technology 142 Q0166 5
Bachelor of Computer Science 365 Q0513 7
Bachelor of Computer Science in Cyber Security 372 Q656 7
Bachelor of Informatics 375 Q0512 7
Bachelor of Information Technology in Software Engineering 392 Q0167 7
Bachelor of Information Technology in Business Computing 394 Q0170 7
Bachelor of Computer Science (Version 3.0) 395 Q0513 7
Bachelor of Journalism and Communication Technology 369 Q0150 7
Certificate in Supervisory Skills Development 060 Q0425 5
Certificate in Management Development 072 Q1130 7
Certificate in Office Management and Technology 118 Q0271 5
Certificate in Transport Management 119 Q0456 5
Diploma in the Theory of Accounting 120 Q0251 7
Certificate in Hospitality Operations 124 Q0252 5
Certificate in Business Process Management 124 Q1057 5
Certificate in Hospitality Operations (Version 2.0) 136 Q1174 5
Diploma in Marketing and Sales 232 Q0265 6
Diploma in Transport Management 243 Q0457 6
Diploma in Accounting and Finance (Version 2.0) 262 Q0299 6
Diploma in Business Process Management 266 Q1058 6
Diploma in Office Management and Technology 266 Q0272 6
Bachelor of Tourism Management 360 Q0319 7
Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Version 2.0) 361 Q0275 7
Bachelor of Transport Management 363 Q2094 7
Bachelor of Economics 364 Q0285 7
Bachelor of Sports Management 364 Q0960 7
Bachelor of Economics (Version 2.0) 365 Q0285 7
Bachelor of Marketing (Version 2.0) 367 Q0266 7
Bachelor of Marketing 369 Q0266 7
Bachelor of Business Management 369 Q0468 7
Bachelor of Business Management (Version 2.0) 375 Q0468 7
Bachelor of Hospitality Management (Version 2.0) 381 Q1176 7
Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 388 Q0275 7
Bachelor of Business and Information Administration 388 Q0943 7
Bachelor of Transport Management 390 Q0458 7
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship 395 Q0895 7
Bachelor of Accounting (Version 2.0) 398 Q0300 7
Bachelor of Office Management and Technology 400 Q0273 7
Bachelor of Hospitality Management 400 Q0253 7
Bachelor of Culinary Arts 405 Q1175 7
Bachelor of Tourism Innovation and Development 409 Q2135 7
Bachelor of Accounting (Chartered Accountancy) 409 Q0301 7
Certificate in Criminal Justice 132 Q0113 5
Certificate in Public Management 132 Q0152 5
Certificate in Vocational Education and Training: Trainer 137 Q0282 4
Higher Certificate in Vocational Education and Training: Trainer 142 Q0283 5
Diploma in Vocational Education and Training Management 230 Q0284 6
Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Management (Version 2.0) 241 Q2018 6
Diploma in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Trainer (Version 2.0) 251 Q2017 6
Bachelor of Journalism and Media Technology 361 Q0677 7
Bachelor of Journalism and Media Technology 361 Q0677 7
Bachelor of Public Management (Version 2.0) 366 Q0679 7
Bachelor of Communication 369 Q2125 7
Bachelor of Criminal Justice (Policing) (Version 2.0) 370 Q0114 7
Bachelor of Communication (Version 2.0) 370 Q0735 7
Bachelor of Gender Studies 373 Q0450 7
Bachelor of Criminal Justice (Policing) (Version 1.0) 375 Q0114 7
Bachelor of English (Version 2.0) 377 Q0734 7
Bachelor of English and Linguistics 382 Q2126 7
Bachelor of Criminal Justice (Correctional Management) 382 Q0164 7
Bachelor of English (Version 1.0) 391 Q0143 7
Bachelor of Public Management (Version 1.0) 425 Q0153 7
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 360 Q1139 6
Diploma in Civil Engineering 402 Q2116 6
Bachelor of Technology in Marine Engineering 492 Q1178 8
Bachelor of Technology in Electronic Engineering 502 Q2123 7
Bachelor of Technology in Power Engineering 502 Q2124 7
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering 519 Q1173 7
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering 533 Q2117 7
Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgy 585 Q0415 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering 590 Q1139 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering 594 Q01027 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering 594 Q01032 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering 594 Q0902 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Mining 594 Q0414 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering 594 Q0903 8
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Version 2.0) 659 Q0418 8
Certificate in Land Surveying 077 Q0160 5
Diploma in Land Administration (Version 2.0) 222 Q0738 6
Diploma in Property Studies (Version 2.0) 230 Q0942 6
Diploma in Agricultural Management 250 Q0147 6
Diploma in Regional and Rural Development (Version 2.0) 251 Q0232 6
Diploma in Geoinformation Technology 255 Q0225 6
Diploma in Regional and Rural Development 259 Q0232 6
Diploma in Property Studies 285 Q0155 6
Diploma in Geomatics (Version 3.0) 286 Q2114 7
Diploma in Geomatics 296 Q0161 6
Bachelor of Land Administration (Version 3.0) 360 Q0739 7
Bachelor of Natural Resource Management (Version 2.0) 363 Q2088 7
Bachelor of Geoinformation Technology (Version 2.0) 368 Q0737 7
Bachelor of Geoinformation Technology 368 Q2122 7
Bachelor of Regional and Rural Development 388 Q0231 7
Bachelor of Architecture (Version 2.0) 388 Q0993 7
Bachelor of Regional and Rural Development (Version 2.0) 388 Q0231 7
Bachelor of Geomatics (Version 3.0) 390 Q2115 7
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying 392 Q0985 7
Bachelor of Land Administration (Version 2.0) 396 Q0739 7
Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning (Version 2.0) 396 Q0228 7
Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning 396 Q0228 7
Bachelor of Land Administration (Version 1.0) 398 Q0159 7
Bachelor of Architecture 400 Q0350 7
Bachelor of Geoinformation Technology (Version 1.0) 401 Q0224 7
Bachelor of Geomatics (Version 2.0) 410 Q0162 7
Bachelor of Science in Geomatics (Version 1.0) 426 Q0162 7
Diploma in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Care 254 Q0308 6
Diploma in Emergency Medical Care 259 Q1108 6
Bachelor of Health Information Systems Management 361 Q0891 7
Bachelor of Science 370 Q0723 7
Bachelor of Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Care 383 Q0309 7
Bachelor of Emergency Medical Care 388 Q1109 7
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Version 2.0) 402 Q0724 7
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Version 1.0) 455 (Accounting option) 461(Economics option) Q0110 7
Bachelor of Human Nutrition 482 Q1097 8
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences 511 Q0991 8
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences 515 Q0165 8
Bachelor of Environmental Health Sciences (Version 2.0) 517 Q0310 8
Bachelor of Environmental Health Sciences 517 Q0310 8
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 368 Q2089 7
Bachelor of Agriculture 372 Q0480 7
Bachelor of Natural Resource Management in Nature Conservation 372 Q0229 7
Bachelor of Horticulture 382 Q1177 7


Postgraduate Certificate in Information and Communication Technology Policy and Regulation 060 Q1104 8
Postgraduate Certificate in Informatics (Information Systems Audits) 060 Q0583 8
Bachelor of Information Technology Honours in Software Engineering 120 Q0168 8
Bachelor of Informatics Honours 120 Q0508 8
Bachelor of Informatics Honours (Version 3.0) 120 Q0508 8
Bachelor of Computer Science Honours 120 Q0509 8
Bachelor of Computer Science Honours (Version 3.0) 120 Q2092 8
Bachelor of Journalism and Media Technology Honours 120 Q678 8
Master of Computer Science 240 Q0504 9
Master of Informatics 240 Q0506 9
Master of Journalism and Media Technology 240 Q1111 9
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science 360 Q0505 10
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics 360 Q0507 10
Bachelor of Administrative Management Honours 120 Q2014 8
Bachelor of Economics Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q0286 8
Postgraduate Diploma in Management 120 Q1056 8
Bachelor of Marketing Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q0267 8
Bachelor of Marketing Honours 120 Q0267 8
Bachelor of Accounting Honours 120 Q2107 8
Bachelor of Economics Honours 120 Q0286 8
Bachelor of Business Management Honours 120 Q0959 8
Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Honours 120 Q1146 8
Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q0163 8
Bachelor of Logistics Honours (Version 1.0) 141 Q0163 8
Master of Management 240 Q1196 9
Master of Marketing 240 Q2003 9
Master of Human Resource Management 240 Q2002 9
Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 240 Q0264 9
Master of Leadership and Change Management (Version 1.0) 240 Q0274 9
Master of Business Administration 240 Q0483 9
Executive Master of Business Administration 240 Q0484 9
Master of Leadership and Change Management (Version 2.0) 240 Q899 9
Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences 240 Q0989 10
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education 060 Q0980 8
Bachelor of Public Management Honours 120 Q0736 8
Bachelor of Communication Honours 120 Q0675 8
Bachelor of English and Linguistics Honours 120 Q2127 8
Bachelor of Communication Honours 120 Q00675 8
Bachelor of Criminal Justice Honours 137 Q0722 8
Bachelor of English Honours 150 Q0733 8
Master of English and Applied Linguistics 240 Q0979 9
Postgraduate Diploma in Space and Atmospheric Science 120 Q0986 8
Postgraduate Diploma in Space Technology 120 Q0987 8
Master of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering 240 Q2001 9
Master of Sustainable Energy Systems 240 Q0992 9
Master of Environmental Engineering 240 Q0990 9
Master of Industrial Engineering 240 Q0268 9
Master of Integrated Water Resources Management (version 2.0) 240 Q0896 9
Doctor Philosophy in Engineering 360 Q1034 10
Bachelor of Regional and Rural Development (Version 2.0) 120 Q0451 8
Bachelor of Natural Resource Management Honours in Nature Conservation 120 Q0263 8
Bachelor of Geoinformation Technology Honours 120 Q0294 8
Bachelor of Agriculture Honours 120 Q0481 8
Bachelor of Land Administration Honours 120 Q0582 8
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying Honours 120 Q2020 8
Bachelor Geoinformation Technology Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q1130 7
Bachelor of Geomatics Honours 120 Q901 8
Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning Honours 120 Q0673 8
Bachelor of Geomatics Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q0901 8
Bachelor of Architecture Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q0994 8
Bachelor of Land Administration Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q0582 8
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Honours (Version 2.0) 125 Q2108 8
Master of Spatial Science 240 Q0449 9
Master of Architecture 240 Q1103 9
Master of Landscape Architecture 240 Q0992 9
Master of Urban Design 240 Q1131 9
Master of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation 240 Q0889 9
Doctor of Philosophy in Spatial Science 360 Q0974 10
Bachelor of Property Studies (Version 2.0) 498 Q0941 8
Bachelor of Property Studies Honours 509 Q0156 8
Bachelor of Science Honours 120 Q1064 8
Bachelor of Emergency Medical Care Honours 120 Q1110 8
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Radiation Science and Technology 120 Q0890 8
Bachelor of Science Honours in Health Information Systems Management 120 Q2106 8
Postgraduate Diploma Health Information Systems 120 Q0892 8
Bachelor of Science Honours in Applied Mathematics 150 Q0710 8
Bachelor of Science Honours in Applied Statistics 150 Q0711 8
Bachelor of Natural Resource Management Honours (Version 2.0) 120 Q2093 8
Master of Agribusiness Management (Version 2.0) 240 Q2091 9
Master of Science in Natural and Applied Sciences 240 Q2105 9
Master of Health Sciences 240 Q1107 9
Master of Science in Applied Statistics 240 Q0893 9
Master of Natural Resources Management 240 Q0452 9
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics 240 Q0894 9
Master of Agribusiness Management 240 Q0482 9
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics 360 Q2075 10
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics 360 Q2118 10
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Science 360 Q0973 10


A-Z Listing

ADS Academic Development and Support
ADSTLT Academic Development Support, Teaching, Learning and Technology
ALUMNI Alumni and NUST Foundation
ATPI Agriculture Trade Policy Institute
BI Business Intelligence
BRC Biodiversity Research Centre
BUSH Biomass Utilisation by Sustainable Harvest
CE Cooperative Education
CED Centre for Enterprise Development
CEI Corporate Engagement and Internationalisation
CEMB Centre for Excellence in Mineral Beneficiation
CSQA Corporate Strategy and Quality Assurance
DSS Department of Student Services
DTBS Digital Transformation Business Services
DVC-FO Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations
DVC-RIP Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships
DVC-TLT Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology
EOSA Earth Observation and Satellite Application
EOSARTC Earth Observation and Satellite Applications Research and Training Centre
FabLab Fabrication Laboratory
FCHSE Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education
FCI Faculty of Computing and Informatics
FEBE Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FHNRAS Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences
Finance Finance
Hotel School NUST Hotel School
HP-GSB The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School Of Business
HR Human Resources
HTTPS High-Tech Plaza Select
ILMI Integrated Land Management Institute
INCEIT India-Namibia Centre Of Excellence In Information Technology
MTC Mathematics Tutoring Centre
MTI Material Testing Institute
NBII Namibian Business Innovation Institute
NEI Namibia Energy Institute
NGIL Namibia-German Institute For Logistics
NGSA Namibia Graduate School of Accounting
NIST Namibia Institute of Space Technology
NQF Qualifications Registered on NQF
P3ICL Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Languages
PDQA Programme Development and Quality Assurance
Registrar Office of the Registrar
SCIONA Skeleton Coast IONA transfrontier park Technology for Conservation
VC Vice Chancellor
Writing Unit Writing Unit