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Media and Communication Society


The aims and objectives of the Media and Communications Society will be:
• To create a forum to edit, support and promote media and communication student’s class and personal writing.
• To create a network of past, current and future media and communications students and enthusiasts.
• To develop a social space for those who want to gain entry into the media and communications work and study fields.
• To develop and refine the necessary professional skills for a career in media and communications.
• To provide a structure and a friendly atmosphere for communication related activities at the Namibian University of Science and Technology.
• To represent The Namibian University of Science and Technology at off-campus communication and media activities


The Media and Communications Society (MACS) offers a refuge for media- minded and communications students whether you’re interested in journalism, copy writing, creative writing, editing, PR, marketing, social media or content creation in general.
As a society, we want to promote inclusivity and facilitate personal development by connecting media and communication studies with industry professionals and real world opportunities. Through social events, educational support and networking opportunities, we aim to empower media and communication students with practical skills and experience to complement their studies.


Membership shall be open to any person who wishes to further the interests of the society.
To ensure all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment.: Membership should consist of officers and members of the club.
All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Media and communications society will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted.


Membership fees will be set annually and agreed by the Executive/ Management Committee or determined at the Annual General Meeting.
Fees will be paid as an annual subscription.


Eline Nyau
Founder and President
Cell: 0816635810

Stella Ileka
Public Relations Officer
Cell: 0814193000

Yokani Olivera
Cell: 0814274068



Student Society Registration

Mode of Study


A-Z Listing

ADS Academic Development and Support
ADSTLT Academic Development Support, Teaching, Learning and Technology
ALUMNI Alumni and NUST Foundation
ATPI Agriculture Trade Policy Institute
BI Business Intelligence
BRC Biodiversity Research Centre
BUSH Biomass Utilisation by Sustainable Harvest
CE Cooperative Education
CED Centre for Enterprise Development
CEI Corporate Engagement and Internationalisation
CEMB Centre for Excellence in Mineral Beneficiation
CSQA Corporate Strategy and Quality Assurance
DSS Department of Student Services
DTBS Digital Transformation Business Services
DVC-FO Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations
DVC-RIP Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships
DVC-TLT Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology
EOSA Earth Observation and Satellite Application
EOSARTC Earth Observation and Satellite Applications Research and Training Centre
FabLab Fabrication Laboratory
FCHSE Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education
FCI Faculty of Computing and Informatics
FEBE Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FHNRAS Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences
Finance Finance
Hotel School NUST Hotel School
HP-GSB The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School Of Business
HR Human Resources
HTTPS High-Tech Plaza Select
ILMI Integrated Land Management Institute
INCEIT India-Namibia Centre Of Excellence In Information Technology
MTC Mathematics Tutoring Centre
MTI Material Testing Institute
NBII Namibian Business Innovation Institute
NEI Namibia Energy Institute
NGIL Namibia-German Institute For Logistics
NGSA Namibia Graduate School of Accounting
NIST Namibia Institute of Space Technology
NQF Qualifications Registered on NQF
P3ICL Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Languages
PDQA Programme Development and Quality Assurance
Registrar Office of the Registrar
SCIONA Skeleton Coast IONA transfrontier park Technology for Conservation
VC Vice Chancellor
Writing Unit Writing Unit