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Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships

  • Innovation is in our DNA!
    Introducing the new
    Postgraduate Development
Flipbook Research Report 2022
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Dr Colin Stanley

Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships

Office of the
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships

The Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnerships (DRIP) came into existence in 2018, necessitated by the collective drive of the University to give momentum to research and innovation. Soliciting and managing external funds has become critical to meet the Institutional vision to strengthen research development activities. Furthermore, the DRIP focusses on strengthening links with industry, communities and global partnerships to solicit opportunities for post-graduate development, research contracts, applied research, technology development, and transfer.
The Directorate is the outcome of a successful merger of relevant entities and which now replace the functions performed by the Project Services Unit (PSU); the Innovation Design Lab (IDL); the Namibia Business Innovation Institute (NBII) and the FABlab.

The DRIP there is realigned as:

  • Research Services (Partial functions of PSU with expanded mandate)
  • Research and Post-Graduate Development (Partial functions of PSU with expanded mandate)
  • Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub (HTTPS, NBII, FabLab, IDL)
Tuyenikelao Shipoke
+264 61 207 2007

Tuyenikelao Shipoke




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From the DVC’s Desk

NUST Lüderitz Technovation Park: Powering Innovation and Fuelling the Future - 07.24
There is nothing permanent except change - 22.03.24
NUST is now Officially an ORCID Member - 01.12.23
Giving Credit to Renowned Researchers - 13.11.23

News, Events and Announcements

This is the latest listing of NUST news, events and announcements.


Research Themes

Pivotal to the university’s strategic research and innovation plan is building capacity under Research Themes (or Clusters) based upon demonstrated track record, excellence and discipline expertise, including international standing and collaborations. The Research themes create opportunities for interdisciplinary research activity on global, societal and local needs. The strategically defined themes through a consultative process, include:

water-energy-food nexus

health and climate change

natural resources and value chain stewardship

green transport and logistics

digital humanities

indigenous knowledge systems and sustainability

Research Matters Podcast