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Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnerships

Dr Anna Matros-Goreses

Dr Anna Matros-Goreses

Executive Director : Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnerships


The Research, Innovation and Partnerships paradigm is articulated in its Strategic Business Plan aligned with the NUST Strategic plan 2021-2025. It is comprised of the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnerships (DRIP) and the Faculties Research portfolios, which are highly dependent on its timely and successful implementation in conjunction with the respective academic and administrative support and prospective proactive processes to achieve its strategic goals. The benefit of having the DRIP in place is crucial for NUST to internalise and digest its strategic plan through the research and innovation (inclusive of technology and entrepreneurship development) lens.

In particular, the Directorate aims to encourage and stimulate collaboration among faculties, research clusters, institutes, centres, and disciplines to harness synergies and stimulate convergence of the diverse knowledge base, thus generating a breeding ground for multi-disciplinary knowledge creation and technology development and transfer.


High-Tech Transfer Plaza Select (HTTPS)
Cnr Brahms & Beethoven Streets
Windhoek, Namibia
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Call us on: +264 61 207 2885

Research and Postgraduate Studies Division

Postgraduate Development Centre

Postgraduate Development Centre

The Centre brings together postgraduate students from all Faculties, encouraging multi and transdisciplinary research and innovation, transcending disciplines. The main objective is to provide a one-stop-information hub supporting postgraduate student development. 

SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP – IWRM)

SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP – IWRM)

The objective of the SGSP – IWRM programme is to develop and deploy an innovative and excellent regional collaborative in education and research programme at Ph.D. level in different specialisations under the theme Integrated Water Resource Management.


Fostering Research And Intra-African Knowledge Transfer Through Mobility And Education (FRAME)

Fostering Research And Intra-African Knowledge Transfer Through Mobility And Education (FRAME)

The programme's objective is to improve the skills and competences of students and staff through enhanced mobility between African countries. The specific objective is to implement Master’s, Doctoral level and staff mobilities via a strong graduate research and studies programme (GRSP) on Food, Energy, and Water Security (F.E.W.S) with a suite of academic programmes at the partner institutions.


Research Development

Functions Goal

Research Grants Management (referred to as Project Management)

  • Identify and disseminate funding opportunities;
  •  develop and implement funding proposals, including alignment with stakeholder requirement, budgeting and costing and review; coordination of approvals and submissions.

Special Projects (Centres of Excellence)

  • Facilitate and support the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of transdisciplinary projects with social-economic impacts- linked to the NUST research Niche areas.

Research and Postgraduate Development

Functions Goal

Research Grants Management (referred to as Project Management), research analytics, ethics and outreach (including science communication)

Identify and disseminate funding opportunities;
develop and implement funding proposals, including alignment with stakeholder requirement, budgeting and costing and review; coordination of approvals and submissions.

Research and Postgraduate Services

Facilitate and support the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of transdisciplinary projects with social-economic impacts- linked to the NUST research Niche areas.

Research Support

Functions Goal

Research Analytics (referred to as Research Resources Management)

  • To disseminate and communicate research;
  • knowledge transfer;
  • research data, and information management and measure and demonstrate research impact.

Research Support, Contracts and Networking

  • Facilitate and manage national, regional and international partnerships and collaborations to advance research, including with research organisations’ funders, industry, government and society.

Research Ethics

  • Promote, foster and support research ethics and integrity, compliance and responsible research conduct.

Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Functions Goal

Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship development

  • Support pre-start-ups, early start-ups and SMME Entrepreneurial Development

  • Support entrepreneurial initiatives, business incubation, networking (smart partnerships including mentoring and coaching), co-creation, promotion and publicity, training etc.

  • Emphasis will be placed on training modules in new technologies linked to Faculties

  • Market and trend analysis to guide operations will be key.

Technology Transfer

Functions Goal

Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Management Support

  • Facilitate commercialisation of intellectual property gathered by research-based results through licensing, patenting or managing spin-off creations.

  • Drive the establishment of Tech-hubs and control the risk appetite of NUST.

DRIP Services

News, Events and Announcements

This is the latest listing of NUST news, events and announcements.


Research Themes

Pivotal to the university’s strategic research and innovation plan is building capacity under Research Themes (or Clusters) based upon demonstrated track record, excellence and discipline expertise, including international standing and collaborations. The Research themes create opportunities for interdisciplinary research activity on global, societal and local needs. The strategically defined themes through a consultative process, include:

water-energy-food nexus

health and climate change

natural resources and value chain stewardship

green transport and logistics

digital humanities

indigenous knowledge systems and sustainability


Dr Anna Matros-Goreses
+264 61 207 2770

Dr Anna Matros-Goreses

Executive Director

Mercelyne Maletzky
+264 61 207 2638

Mercelyne Maletzky

Projects Administrator

Bas Rijnen
+264 61 207 2040

Bas Rijnen

Projects Coordinator

Victoria Shipanga
+264 61 207 2950

Victoria Shipanga

Project Analyst

Nadia Jansen
+264 61 207 2287

Nadia Jansen

Projects Accountant

Rufaro Musiyarira
+264 61 207 2765

Rufaro Musiyarira

Projects Accountant

Edwin Kavihuha
+264 61 207 2439

Edwin Kavihuha

Entrepreneurship and Incubation Officer, Namibia Business Innovation Institute (NBII)

Hannelora Bobeje
+264 61 207 2885

Hannelora Bobeje


Silas Newaka
+264 61 207 2896


Silas Newaka

Manager: Innovation Market Place, Namibia Business Innovation Institute (NBII)

Valerie Garises

Director: Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Moira Cloete
+264 61 207 2762

Moira Cloete

Entrepreneurship Developer

Rennie Munyayi
+264 61 207 2239

Rennie Munyayi

Manager: Research and Postgraduate Development

Prof Omotayo Awofolu

Prof Omotayo Awofolu

Acting Director: Research and Postgraduate Development

SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme: In Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP-IWRM) Staff

Christine Aitana
+264 61 207 2912

Christine Aitana

Administrative & Accounting Assistant: SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP-IWRM)

Dr Patrina Monde Mabuku
+264 61 207 2763

Dr Patrina Monde Mabuku

Post-Doctoral Researcher: SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP-IWRM)

Ronel Kuzatjike
+264 61 207 2641

Ronel Kuzatjike

Network And Communication Officer: SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP-IWRM)

Dr Vuyisile Dlamini

Post-Doctoral Researcher: SASSCAL Graduate Studies Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (SGSP-IWRM)

Research Matters Podcast



A-Z Listing

ADS Academic Development and Support
ADSTLT Academic Development Support, Teaching, Learning and Technology
ALUMNI Alumni and NUST Foundation
ATPI Agriculture Trade Policy Institute
BI Business Intelligence
BRC Biodiversity Research Centre
BUSH Biomass Utilisation by Sustainable Harvest
CE Cooperative Education
CED Centre for Enterprise Development
CEI Corporate Engagement and Internationalisation
CEMB Centre for Excellence in Mineral Beneficiation
CSQA Corporate Strategy and Quality Assurance
DSS Department of Student Services
DTBS Digital Transformation Business Services
DVC-FO Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations
DVC-RIP Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships
DVC-TLT Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology
EOSA Earth Observation and Satellite Application
EOSARTC Earth Observation and Satellite Applications Research and Training Centre
FabLab Fabrication Laboratory
FCHSE Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education
FCI Faculty of Computing and Informatics
FEBE Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FHNRAS Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences
Finance Finance
Hotel School NUST Hotel School
HP-GSB The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School Of Business
HR Human Resources
HTTPS High-Tech Plaza Select
ILMI Integrated Land Management Institute
INCEIT India-Namibia Centre Of Excellence In Information Technology
MTC Mathematics Tutoring Centre
MTI Material Testing Institute
NBII Namibian Business Innovation Institute
NEI Namibia Energy Institute
NGIL Namibia-German Institute For Logistics
NGSA Namibia Graduate School of Accounting
NIST Namibia Institute of Space Technology
NQF Qualifications Registered on NQF
P3ICL Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Languages
PDQA Programme Development and Quality Assurance
Registrar Office of the Registrar
SCIONA Skeleton Coast IONA transfrontier park Technology for Conservation
VC Vice Chancellor
Writing Unit Writing Unit