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Dr Leake Hangala, (Middle) flanked by Dr Erold Naomab,(left) and Hon Sam Nujoma (right) during the Induction Workshop.

New Council Chair promises “timely and united governance”

NUST Council members attend induction workshop on institutional statutes and rules as Dr Leake Hangala emphasises a united front and timely decision making. 

Honourable Dr Itah Kandjii-Murangi, the Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation has appointed an Interim NUST Council, the institution’s highest decision-making body. The previous Council’s term ended a month ago.

This Council is under the stewardship of Dr Leake Hangala, an astute businessman with a vast experience in governance. He is deputised by Ms Norah Ndopu, herself an experienced professional in the communications and corporate governance spheres.

Their first order of business was to familiarise themselves with the governance instruments of the university, they also received briefs on the institution’s various business units. This included presentations from the Vice-Chancellor, Dr Erold Naomab, and members of the NUST executive team, all while the Office of the Registrar focused on laying out the legal instruments that govern the institution.

As he concluded the workshop, Dr Hangala emphasised his expectations on higher education governance, key amongst them, “informed decision making without wasting time.”

“Key to our success as Council will be our relationship and interaction with NUST Management, in line with the respective functions and responsibilities of each, which fortunately in the case of NUST are clearly defined. The relationship should be professional, transparent and mutually rewarding. We want Management that is competent and efficient and should expect that preparation of its meetings is properly done, with the required documents and presentations being timely and precise, thus leading to informed decision-making without wasting time. At the same time, Management wants a Council that applies its mind when taking decisions and takes those decisions with deliberate speed,” remarked Dr Hangala.

He stressed the depth of his commitment to NUST, as well as that of the competent and diverse Council, towards ensuring the success of NUST. “So, I know I speak for all of us when I say I accepted the appointment to the Council with a sense of responsibility far exceeding that of any normal appointment,” the Council Chairperson said.

Dr Hangala pointed to unity, inspirational leadership, high standards, adequate resources, and above all, a commitment to ensure that NUST remains a highly reputable academic institution that places a high premium on freedom of academic inquiry as key aspects of his tenure. The interactions were rich, focused on strategic trends in higher education, funding needs of the university, and analyzed broadly the vision and mission of the university.

The new NUST Council consists of internal and external members from various backgrounds. The internal members are Dr Erold Naomab, Vice-Chancellor; Ms Miriam Dikuua, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations;  Dr Andrew Niikondo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology; Dr Colin Stanley, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships; Prof Sifiso Nyathi, Registrar and Secretary to Council; Dr Pilisano Masake, Senate Representative to Council; Mr Matchwell Lizazi, Administrative Staff Representative to Council; Mr Joshua Mario; Staff Representative to Council; Mr Shoki Kandjimi, the Alumni Representative; and Ms Martha Ambambi, the SRC President.

The external members consist of Dr Alfred van Kent, Executive Director in the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation, as Government Representative; Dr Leake Hangala as Chairperson; Ms Norah Ndopu as Deputy Chairperson; and other members who include Dr Uazuva Kaumbi, Dr Detlof von Oertzen, Dr Stanley Shanapinda, Ms Kadiva Hamutumwa, Ms Rachel Kalipi, Emilia Nghikembua, Hon Sam Nujoma and Ms Flora Gaes.