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Delegates of the ACEWATER III (African Centres of Excellence in Water) project, pictured in Kenya.

Journey towards a water-secure and resilient Africa

NUST is delighted to be part of the 20 consortium members of the ACEWATER III (African Centres of Excellence in Water) project. The kick-off meeting, held in Nairobi, Kenya, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to ensure alignment and focus of research for impact with all continental and regional governance frameworks.
The kick-off is the culmination of this week's pre-meetings, which provided a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing and strategic planning to advance the objectives of the AUDA-NEPAD Water CoEs.

During the gathering, participants engaged in lively discussions and interactive sessions focused on key thematic areas, including water resources management, climate resilience, water infrastructure development, water governance and capacity building. They explored innovative approaches, best practices and lessons learned from existing water initiatives across the continent.

NUST will participate in the research entitled "Smart WEFE Innovation Model (SWIM): advancing circular economy and climate resilience", which will be led by Dr Anna Matros-Goreses, Executive Director: Research, Innovation and Partnerships Directorate, with experts ranging from geohydrologists to climate modellers and engineers. The project aims to generate evidence-based solutions to develop new technologies and build capacity to address current emerging impacts in the water sector, including the exploration of green hydrogen and the associated social return on investment.
Another key outcome of the kick-off meeting was the strengthening of collaborative partnerships and networks between participating institutions and stakeholders. These partnerships will facilitate knowledge sharing, joint research efforts and resource mobilisation to support the implementation of the AUDA-NEPAD Water CoE agenda.
Stay tuned for more updates and developments as we embark on this transformative journey towards a water-secure and resilient Africa.

The meeting was hosted by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).