In the vibrant and historic coastal town of Lüderitz, where the Namib Desert meets the Atl
ADS | Academic Development and Support |
ADSTLT | Academic Development Support, Teaching, Learning and Technology |
ALUMNI | Alumni and NUST Foundation |
ATPI | Agriculture Trade Policy Institute |
BI | Business Intelligence |
BRC | Biodiversity Research Centre |
BUSH | Biomass Utilisation by Sustainable Harvest |
CE | Cooperative Education |
CED | Centre for Enterprise Development |
CEI | Corporate Engagement and Internationalisation |
CEMB | Centre for Excellence in Mineral Beneficiation |
CSQA | Corporate Strategy and Quality Assurance |
DSS | Department of Student Services |
DTBS | Digital Transformation Business Services |
DVC-FO | Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations |
DVC-RIP | Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships |
DVC-TLT | Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology |
EOSA | Earth Observation and Satellite Application |
EOSARTC | Earth Observation and Satellite Applications Research and Training Centre |
FabLab | Fabrication Laboratory |
FCHSE | Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education |
FCI | Faculty of Computing and Informatics |
FEBE | Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment |
FHNRAS | Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences |
Finance | Finance |
Hotel School | NUST Hotel School |
HP-GSB | The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School Of Business |
HR | Human Resources |
HTTPS | High-Tech Plaza Select |
ILMI | Integrated Land Management Institute |
INCEIT | India-Namibia Centre Of Excellence In Information Technology |
MTC | Mathematics Tutoring Centre |
MTI | Material Testing Institute |
NBII | Namibian Business Innovation Institute |
NEI | Namibia Energy Institute |
NGIL | Namibia-German Institute For Logistics |
NGSA | Namibia Graduate School of Accounting |
NIST | Namibia Institute of Space Technology |
NQF | Qualifications Registered on NQF |
P3ICL | Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Languages |
PDQA | Programme Development and Quality Assurance |
Registrar | Office of the Registrar |
SCIONA | Skeleton Coast IONA transfrontier park Technology for Conservation |
VC | Vice Chancellor |
Writing Unit | Writing Unit |