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Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences


Department of Health Sciences


The Bachelor of Human Nutrition is designed to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of human nutrition, the related biosciences and their application to the maintenance of human health in public health domains as well as the prevention and management of disease. The programme enables students to apply their knowledge of nutrition and holistic approaches to contribute to the alleviation of malnutrition and nutrition-related morbidity and mortality in Namibia. Students will be capacitated with relevant knowledge and skills in foundational cognate areas including food chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, food security, etc., and be able to apply this knowledge in understanding the role of diet in health maintenance and illness prevention.

Admission Requirements

Candidates may be admitted to this programme if they meet the General Admission Requirements of NUST (GI2.1 in Part 1 of the NUST Yearbook). In addition, candidates must have a minimum of 15 points in Physical Science, Mathematics and Biology at NSSC (H or O), provided that no symbol must be below C on Ordinary Level.

Course Code


Level of Programme


Modes of Study

Full Time


A-Z Listing

ADS Academic Development and Support
ADSTLT Academic Development Support, Teaching, Learning and Technology
ALUMNI Alumni and NUST Foundation
ATPI Agriculture Trade Policy Institute
BI Business Intelligence
BRC Biodiversity Research Centre
BUSH Biomass Utilisation by Sustainable Harvest
CE Cooperative Education
CED Centre for Enterprise Development
CEI Corporate Engagement and Internationalisation
CEMB Centre for Excellence in Mineral Beneficiation
CSQA Corporate Strategy and Quality Assurance
DSS Department of Student Services
DTBS Digital Transformation Business Services
DVC-FO Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Finance and Operations
DVC-RIP Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Partnerships
DVC-TLT Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning and Technology
EOSA Earth Observation and Satellite Application
EOSARTC Earth Observation and Satellite Applications Research and Training Centre
FabLab Fabrication Laboratory
FCHSE Faculty of Commerce, Human Sciences and Education
FCI Faculty of Computing and Informatics
FEBE Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
FHNRAS Faculty of Health, Natural Resources and Applied Sciences
Finance Finance
Hotel School NUST Hotel School
HP-GSB The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School Of Business
HR Human Resources
HTTPS High-Tech Plaza Select
ILMI Integrated Land Management Institute
INCEIT India-Namibia Centre Of Excellence In Information Technology
MTC Mathematics Tutoring Centre
MTI Material Testing Institute
NBII Namibian Business Innovation Institute
NEI Namibia Energy Institute
NGIL Namibia-German Institute For Logistics
NGSA Namibia Graduate School of Accounting
NIST Namibia Institute of Space Technology
NQF Qualifications Registered on NQF
P3ICL Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Cultures and Languages
PDQA Programme Development and Quality Assurance
Registrar Office of the Registrar
SCIONA Skeleton Coast IONA transfrontier park Technology for Conservation
VC Vice Chancellor
Writing Unit Writing Unit