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NUST and africaonline team up to Boost graduate employability

NUST and africaonline team up to Boost graduate employability

In a forward-looking move to enhance graduate employability, the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and africaonline have sealed a strategic partnership through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). Through the signing of this MoA, NUST students from the Faculty of Computing and Informatics will be equipped with the essential skills and experiences needed to excel in today's competitive job market.

Formalised at a ceremony, this partnership marks the dawn of a transformative era in student career development. Crafted with purpose and vision, the MoA lays the groundwork for a strategic alliance aimed at enriching educational experiences and propelling graduates towards success.

At the core of the partnership lies a commitment to providing NUST students with hands-on Work Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities within africaonline. Here, students will have the invaluable chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, supported by mentorship, training, and exposure to industry best practices. "Through strategic partnerships with industry leaders like africaonline, NUST can significantly enhance the employability of its graduates, ensuring their academic journey culminates in meaningful career opportunities," remarked Dr Andrew Niikondo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching, Learning, and Technology at NUST.

As NUST and africaonline embark on this transformative journey together, they stand united in their dedication to empowering graduates, driving innovation, and shaping a brighter future for Namibia. "Innovation and technological advancement are key to our industry and are a core focus at africaonline. We are excited to tap into the energy, creativity, and fresh ideas that the young minds of Namibia bring to the table," Mr Ingram van Heerden, Managing Director at africaonline, stated.

By unlocking new opportunities and inspiring excellence, NUST and Africaonline are paving the way for students to thrive in their future careers and contribute meaningfully to Namibia's socio-economic development.

NUST and africaonline team up to Boost graduate employability
NUST and africaonline team up to Boost graduate employability