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Ville Kairamo, Demola Global CEO

Demola Global CEO lauds an inspiring week at NUST

And says Namibia has an “incredible” opportunity to build a sustainable knowledge society...

The energetic and youthful Ville Kairamo, CEO of the Finnish Innovation Giant, Demola Global, spent a week at the Namibia University of Science and Technology(NUST), working with students to tap into their creative and innovative potential. Posting online on his LinkedIn profile toward the end of his trip, he wrote; “What an inspiring week in Namibia building our Demola Global hub with Namibia University of Science and Technology, NUST!” He mentioned how Namibia has an incredible opportunity for green transition and building a  new sustainable knowledge society.

He advised that it requires long-term, mutually beneficial, and transparent international cooperation, extensive investments, and a new entrepreneurial spirit. “Dr Erold Naomab’s leadership at NUST is developing world-class capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship with global standards,” he said. Kairamo further shared that his aim is to enable the creation of Windhoek-based unicorns and connect talent and business communities internationally to imagine radically different future states. The work continues, and the first NUST students and faculty started their Demola participation in Mid-March this year.